Thomson Terrace Allotments CIC

Thomson Terrace Allotments CIC

AGM Saturday, 14th October 2023, Noon near Shop

Advanced Notice for AGM Saturday 14th October 2023, Noon near Shop

Additional Papers to follow

Our Thomson Terrace Allotment Association (Now TTACIC) 2023 Annual General Meeting, the AGM, takes place on Saturday 14th, October 2023, at NOON in the Shop area. 


The AGM is the Members’ Day.


The purpose of the AGM is for the 2022-23 Committee Officers to report the year’s activities to members, including financial reporting, to approve proposed resolutions, and to elect new Officers and Committee Members for 2023-24.


It is also a point in time for members to table thoughts and ideas on what our focus should be over the next years.  Note that item 4.5 of the agenda is “reports from Members”. 


At the AGM, we are proposing one resolution for members’ approval. The context for the resolutions will be discussed during the Officer Reports.


Resolution 1: To immediately change TTACIC Constitution Section 4.6: 


“It is resolved that Committee officers are required to become Directors of TTACIC”


Please note that if two names are registered for a plot(s), only one member is allowed to vote for resolutions.  One is a member, and the other is a non-voting associate member. (TTACIC-Rules_Final.pdf)


The success of TTACIC is dependent upon its volunteer membership. 


We welcome nominations for Committee Officers and Committee Members for the upcoming year.  If you can spare some time to put yourself up for a committee role or have a question, please contact me by responding to this email or discuss the opportunities with one of our Committee Members. Nominations may be tabled on the day of the AGM.


To keep our printing cost low and to save a tree, paper copies will not be available at the meeting.  PDFs of the agenda and past meeting minutes are available via the links below on the website. Please use your smartphone or tablet at the meeting or print your own paper copies in advance of the meeting. 


Please click on the following links.

2023 AGM Agenda

TTAA AGM Minutes 9 Oct 2022

TTAA EGM Minutes 9 July 2023


If you’re unable to attend, please send your regrets to

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