Thomson Terrace Allotments CIC

Thomson Terrace Allotments CIC



When you join Thomson Terrace Allotments CIC, you become a member or associate member. 

You subscribe to the Membership and the License to Occupy the plot (Plot Subscription) on an annual basis and agree to abide by the rules of TTACIC.


The primary purpose of an allotment is for the growth of fruit and vegetables for use by the household of the plot-holder. As a secondary purpose, it is allowed to grow flowers and keep certain livestock (see Rules Section 10 Livestock and Pets).

An individual household would be expected to have plots totalling at most 20 poles (500 sq. m).

Where, for any reason, members of a household are plot-holders to more than this maximum, they may be required to:

  • demonstrate that they are not using them as part of a commercial enterprise
  • and relinquish excess plots the following annual subscription day. This will apply if there is any waiting list for plots.

Members have the right to vote at meetings. Membership is not tied to the size of your plot or the number of poles you manage.

Where two names of plot holders appear on a license, one is the member and the other is the associate member. Only the member is allowed to vote (not the associate member). 

Members are ‘guarantors’ with various rights set out in the company’s articles.

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