Thomson Terrace Allotments CIC

Thomson Terrace Allotments CIC

Our Facilities

Thomson Terrace Allotments CIC has 90 plots of various sizes from 5-pole (125 SqM) to 10-pole (250 SqM).

We have 3 access gates and two parking areas. The main parking is near the main gate and small parking is near the sub-station to the east.  Temporary Parking on grass paths is limited to deliveries only.

Plots are separated by a shared grass path. Plot holders are responsible to cut and keep the grass on the paths trimmed and should not place weeds or other trimmed garden waste on paths.

Grass on main paths are cut and maintained by the Management Committee’s Head of Grounds and Equipment.

Water trough are provided throughout the allotment and are intended for seedlings and young plants.  Troughs are covered and covers should always be closed after use discouraging birds or other animals from falling into tank. Do not use troughs to clean tools or hands as this contaminates the water. Troughs are shut off approximately Nov-March to avoid freezing. Plot holders are encouraged to install and maintain rain water collection systems to temporary structures on their plot.

Many plots have small sheds, poly tunnels or henhouses (temporary structures) that are regulated by size, number and location and regularly audited by Committee. Before new or replaced temporary structures are added you are required to submit application to Field Secretary and committee for approval. 

We have a seed shop on site that is open 10-Noon on Saturdays. We purchase our stocklist in bulk. The shop is very convenient to those without cars needing heavy items such as compost.

We hold monthly work-social parties on the first Saturday of each month.  The Field Secretary with the Management Committee organizes task across the common areas of TTACIC.

Our Management Committee has dedicated volunteers who are responsible To manage the allotment site responsibly, respecting the environment and the terms of the Lease with Oxford City Council(OCC)

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