Thomson Terrace Allotments CIC

Thomson Terrace Allotments CIC


Open 10AM to Noon on Saturday

Shop takes Cash only!

Plotholders can purchase Manure directly from farmer Paul which is delivered to your plot for approximately £60-65 a load.  Please see WhatsApp or Shop Notice board for contact details

Current stocklist and price (1 Oct 2023) :

  • Compost; 70 Ltrs = £7.00
  • Growmore multi-purpose planting fertiliser 7-7-7; 3kg-£4.50, 6kg-£9.00
  • Fish-Blood-Bone: 3kg – £2.00; 6kg – £4.00
  • Bone Meal: 3kg – £2.00; 6kg – £8.00
  • Chicken Pellets: 3kg – £4.00; 8kg – £8.00
  • Potash: 1kg – £1.50
  • Super Phosphate (for root growth):  1kg – £1.25
  • Lime: 3kg – £2.00, 6kg – £1.90, 25kg -£7.50

Canes and Netting

  • 8 ft Canes; 10 for £6.00, 60p each
  • 5 ft Canes: 10 for £5.00: 50p each
  • Bird Netting – 2 Meters wide: £1/meter

Seed Potatoes are now here February 2024   (all £1/kg)        

  • Formost (1st Early)
  • Swift (1st Early)
  • Charlotte (2nd Early)
  • Desiree (Main Crop)
  • Cara (Main Crop)

Prices may be updated with new stocklist – please see sh

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