Thomson Terrace Allotments CIC

AGM Sunday 3 November 2024, Noon near Shop

Advanced Notice for AGM Sunday 3 November 2024, Noon near Shop

Additional Papers to follow

Please make every effort to attend and encourage other plot-holders to do so as well.

TTACIC is run by (elected) volunteers.  At the very least, attendance at the AGM shows appreciation for all the work they do on your behalf.


Any additional items for inclusion should be emailed to by 20 October 2024


Agenda for 2024 AGM of the Thomson Terrace Allotment Association.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of 2023 AGM / EGM
  3. Matters arising
  4. 2024 Annual Reports
    • Chair’s Report
    • Treasurer’s Report: Annual Accounts and Future Subscriptions Discussion
      • 2023-24 Accounts through Aug 2024
      • Report from Shop, new products
      • Proposed Rent increase for 2025-26 (see resolutions below)
        • Anticipated new lease impact on annual plot holder subscription
        • 3-year water trough replacement program charge. 5 troughs to be replaced each year; cost £130 x 5 = £650 which will be approx. £5 for 5-pole; £10 for 10 poles. We will sell the used troughs on eBay so anticipate year 2/3 will be reduced by those funds.
      • Secretary
        • Report of plot letting – available plots, waitlist
        • Anticipated new lease format for all plot holders Sept 2025
        • Grants received and proposed working groups
          • Plot 131 – Mobility Plots; Grant received from OCC (£2150)
          • Off-grid – Solar panel and storage; grant received from OCC/Littlemore Village (£1350+£350=£1700)
        • Field Secretary
        • The floor is open for reports from Members.
  1. Resolutions
    • Resolution: 2025-26 Tentative rent increase:

“It is resolved that the subscription rate for 2025-26 will be £4.50 / pole or £22.50 for 5-pole and £45.00 for 10/pole.”

  • Resolution: Water Trough Replacement Surcharge:

“It is resolved that the 3-year water trough replacement proceed with a non-refundable 2025-26 surcharge of £1/pole (£5 for 5-pole plots, £10 for 10-pole plots).  It is understood we anticipate the surcharge for years 2 & 3 will be reduced due to the sale of used troughs.

  • Resolution to immediately change the TTACIC Rules Section 5 Cultivation:

“It is resolved that Fruit trees may be planted no closer than 2 m from edge of plot boundary in any direction”

  • Resolution to immediately change the TTACIC Rules Section 9 Bonfires:

“It is resolved that Bonfires are NOT allowed on plots at any time. TTACIC has a shared discarded wood pile (Plot no. 156) which is control burned from time to time by Field Secretary. You may discard your wood here but do not include any trash, plastic, rubber or painted material in the pile. Controlled Bonfires on Plot 156 are under strict conditions and must comply with OCC’s Guidance on Bonfires

  • Resolution to immediately change the TTACIC Rules Section 11 Sheds, Polytunnels, Greenhouses and Henhouses – Temporary Structures:

“It is resolved that 5-pole ‘A” plots and the front half of plots larger than 5-pole(6 to 10 pole) may NOT have any new temporary structures including sheds, polytunnel, greenhouse or henhouse.”


  1. Election of Officers and Committee for 2024-25 Nominations. Members wishing to run for officers/ordinary committee members should come forward. Note that by standing for office, you agree to abide by the rules (both OCC and TTACIC) and our Constitution. Officers are required to become Directors of TTACIC. Nominations currently include:


  • Chair – Gillian Turnbull, standing for re-election
  • Treasurer – Helen Fetzer, standing for re-election
  • Secretary—Kathy O’Donnell, standing for re-election
  • Field Secretary—Tom Dyra, standing for re-election
  • Ordinary Committee Members (up to 5)

Terry Young, MBE, standing for re-election

Nela Pavlovic Tait, standing for re-election

Edward Pitson, standing for re-election

Sunita Rai, standing for re-election                                                                                       

  1. Appointment of an auditor (must not be an Officer or Committee member, need not be a member of the Association).
  2. Any other business.

If you’re unable to attend, please send your regrets to

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