SUNDAY August 11th Work Party 10-12

Please join us for a special Sunday Work Party!
Thomson Terrace Allotments CIC
Please join us for a special Sunday Work Party!
May’s work party will be this Saturday 4 May 2024 10AM-Noon. Great opportunity to get meet new neighbors. Not too late to plant seed potatoes from the Shop! (yes open 10-12)
April’s work party will be this Saturday 6 April 2024 10AM-Noon. Great opportunity to get meet new neighbors and to get seed potatoes from the Shop! (yes open 10-12)
Our first work party of the year will be this Saturday 2 March 2024 10AM-Noon. Great opportunity to get meet new neighbors and to get seed potatoes from the Shop! (yes open 10-12)
Our last Fall Clear-up Work Party taking place 4 November 2023 from 10-Noon. Our field secretary Tom will organize teams with task such a streaming, raking, weeding, etc. Please bring gloves with you. Hope to see you there!
October Work Party taking place 7 October 2023 from 10-Noon. Our field secretary Tom will organize teams with task such a streaming, raking, weeding, etc. Please bring gloves with you. See you this Saturday!